cargo-msrv list


  • Standalone: cargo-msrv list [options]
  • Through Cargo: cargo msrv list [options]


List the author specified MSRV for each depended-upon package.

Authors may specify the MSRV for their crate by adding the package.rust-version key to the Cargo.toml manifest. See the Cargo book for more. This value is supported from Rust 1.56 onwards.

rust-version = "1.56"

For crates which have an MSRV prior to Rust 1.56, you can use the package.metadata.msrv key in the Cargo.toml manifest instead. The package.metadata table exists specifically for tools like cargo-msrv, and within this table, Cargo will not warn about keys it does not understand. Note that the use of this key is tailored to cargo-msrv and may not be supported by other tools.

msrv = "1.53.0"

Both package.rust-version and package.metadata.msrv require a two or three component version number, without semver operators or pre-release identifiers. For example, 1.56 and 1.56.0 are both valid, while ^1.56.0 and 1.56.0-beta are not.


--variant variant

Type of table to print.

The variant must be one of: ordered-by-msrv (default) or direct-deps.

When the variant is ordered-by-msrv, the program will print a table which lists the MSRV for both direct and transitive dependencies. The table is sorted by MSRV. When a crate author did not specify an MSRV yet, the cell in the MSRV row will be empty.

When the variant is direct-deps, the program will print a table which lists the following properties for each direct-dependency of the given crate: the name of the dependency, the version of the dependency, the MSRV (empty if not specified), it's dependencies.


  1. List the MSRV's for both direct and transitive dependencies, grouped by MSRV.
cargo msrv list

Output for cargo-msrv commit c76b45a7ae39b52294e303eca6da56fda45b3feb:

Fetching index
│ MSRV   ┆ Dependency                                                                                                                                │
│        ┆ typed-builder, tracing-subscriber, tracing-appender, tracing, toml_edit, petgraph, once_cell, json, indicatif, dirs, console,             │
│        ┆ comfy-table, clap, cargo_metadata, tracing-serde, tracing-log, tracing-core, thread_local, smallvec, sharded-slab, serde_json, serde,     │
│        ┆ ansi_term, time, crossbeam-channel, tracing-attributes, pin-project-lite, cfg-if, kstring, itertools, indexmap, combine,                  │
│        ┆ rust-releases-rust-dist, rust-releases-rust-changelog, rust-releases-core, fixedbitset, regex, number_prefix, lazy_static, dirs-sys,      │
│        ┆ winapi, unicode-width, terminal_size, libc, encode_unicode, strum_macros, strum, crossterm, vec_map, textwrap, strsim, bitflags, atty,    │
│        ┆ ansi_term, semver, cargo-platform, camino, unicode-xid, log, ryu, itoa, serde_derive, crossbeam-utils, either, hashbrown, autocfg,        │
│        ┆ memchr, bytes, tokio, rust-releases-io, rusoto_s3, rusoto_core, chrono, regex-syntax, aho-corasick, redox_users,                          │
│        ┆ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu, winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu, heck, signal-hook-mio, signal-hook, parking_lot, mio, crossterm_winapi,         │
│        ┆ hermit-abi, tokio-macros, signal-hook-registry, num_cpus, directories-next, attohttpc, xml-rs, futures, async-trait, rustc_version,       │
│        ┆ rusoto_signature, rusoto_credential, hyper-tls, hyper, http, crc32fast, base64, time, num-traits, num-integer, redox_syscall, getrandom,  │
│        ┆ unicode-segmentation, parking_lot_core, lock_api, instant, ntapi, miow, dirs-sys-next, wildmatch, url, openssl, native-tls, flate2,       │
│        ┆ futures-util, futures-task, futures-sink, futures-io, futures-executor, futures-core, futures-channel, semver, time, sha2,                │
│        ┆ percent-encoding, md5, hmac, hex, zeroize, shlex, dirs-next, tokio-native-tls, want, tower-service, socket2, httpdate, httparse,          │
│        ┆ http-body, fnv, wasi, scopeguard, matches, idna, form_urlencoded, openssl-sys, foreign-types, tempfile, security-framework-sys,           │
│        ┆ security-framework, schannel, openssl-probe, miniz_oxide, slab, proc-macro-nested, proc-macro-hack, pin-utils, futures-macro,             │
│        ┆ semver-parser, version_check, time-macros, stdweb, standback, const_fn, opaque-debug, digest, cpufeatures, block-buffer, crypto-mac,      │
│        ┆ try-lock, unicode-normalization, unicode-bidi, vcpkg, pkg-config, cc, foreign-types-shared, remove_dir_all, rand, core-foundation-sys,    │
│        ┆ core-foundation, adler, time-macros-impl, wasm-bindgen, stdweb-internal-runtime, stdweb-internal-macros, stdweb-derive, discard,          │
│        ┆ generic-array, subtle, tinyvec, rand_hc, rand_core, rand_chacha, wasm-bindgen-macro, sha1, base-x, typenum, tinyvec_macros, ppv-lite86,   │
│        ┆ wasm-bindgen-macro-support, wasm-bindgen-shared, wasm-bindgen-backend, bumpalo                                                            │
│ 1.31.0 ┆ syn, quote, proc-macro2, thiserror, thiserror-impl                                                                                        │
│ 1.51.0 ┆ rust-releases                                                                                                                             │
│ 1.53.0 ┆ cargo-msrv                                                                                                                                │

NB: The dependencies which are listed with an empty MSRV cell do not specify a MSRV yet. At the time of writing, most dependencies in the cargo-msrv dependency tree did not have an MSRV defined.

  1. List the MSRV's for your direct dependencies using
cargo msrv list --variant direct-deps

Output for cargo-msrv commit c76b45a7ae39b52294e303eca6da56fda45b3feb:

Fetching index
│ Dependency         ┆ Version ┆ MSRV   ┆ Depends on                                                                   │
│ typed-builder      ┆ 0.9.1   ┆        ┆ proc-macro2, quote, syn                                                      │
│ tracing-subscriber ┆ 0.3.1   ┆        ┆ ansi_term, lazy_static, matchers, parking_lot, regex, serde, serde_json,     │
│                    ┆         ┆        ┆ sharded-slab, smallvec, thread_local, time, tracing, tracing-core,           │
│                    ┆         ┆        ┆ tracing-log, tracing-serde, criterion, log, regex, time, tokio, tracing,     │
│                    ┆         ┆        ┆ tracing-futures, tracing-log                                                 │
│ tracing-appender   ┆ 0.2.0   ┆        ┆ crossbeam-channel, time, tracing-subscriber, tempfile, time, tracing         │
│ tracing            ┆ 0.1.29  ┆        ┆ cfg-if, log, pin-project-lite, tracing-attributes, tracing-core, criterion,  │
│                    ┆         ┆        ┆ futures, log, tokio, wasm-bindgen-test                                       │
│ toml_edit          ┆ 0.8.0   ┆        ┆ combine, indexmap, itertools, kstring, serde, criterion, pretty_assertions,  │
│                    ┆         ┆        ┆ serde_json, toml, toml-test-harness                                          │
│ rust-releases      ┆ 0.16.1  ┆ 1.51.0 ┆ rust-releases-channel-manifests, rust-releases-core, rust-releases-io,       │
│                    ┆         ┆        ┆ rust-releases-rust-changelog, rust-releases-rust-dist,                       │
│                    ┆         ┆        ┆ rust-releases-rust-dist-with-cli, yare                                       │
│ petgraph           ┆ 0.6.0   ┆        ┆ fixedbitset, indexmap, quickcheck, serde, serde_derive, bincode, defmac,     │
│                    ┆         ┆        ┆ itertools, odds, rand                                                        │
│ once_cell          ┆ 1.8.0   ┆        ┆ parking_lot, crossbeam-utils, lazy_static, regex                             │
│ json               ┆ 0.12.4  ┆        ┆                                                                              │
│ indicatif          ┆ 0.16.2  ┆        ┆ console, lazy_static, number_prefix, rayon, regex, unicode-segmentation,     │
│                    ┆         ┆        ┆ unicode-width, rand, tokio                                                   │
│ dirs               ┆ 4.0.0   ┆        ┆ dirs-sys                                                                     │
│ console            ┆ 0.15.0  ┆        ┆ libc, once_cell, regex, terminal_size, unicode-width, encode_unicode,        │
│                    ┆         ┆        ┆ winapi, winapi-util                                                          │
│ comfy-table        ┆ 4.1.1   ┆        ┆ crossterm, strum, strum_macros, unicode-width, criterion, doc-comment,       │
│                    ┆         ┆        ┆ pretty_assertions, proptest                                                  │
│ clap               ┆ 2.33.3  ┆        ┆ atty, bitflags, clippy, strsim, term_size, textwrap, unicode-width, vec_map, │
│                    ┆         ┆        ┆ yaml-rust, lazy_static, regex, version-sync, ansi_term                       │
│ cargo_metadata     ┆ 0.14.1  ┆        ┆ camino, cargo-platform, derive_builder, semver, serde, serde_json            │

NB: The dependencies which are listed with an empty MSRV cell do not specify a MSRV yet. At the time of writing, most dependencies in the cargo-msrv dependency tree did not have an MSRV defined.